LogicStream: Monadic Logic Programming

dotty-cps-async-logic is an additional library for programming with backtracking in scala 3.

Note, that logic programming here is understanded in limited sence, as a programming with backtracking. Embedding of full logic language is not in the current scope.


libraryDependencies += "com.github.rssh" %%% "dotty-cps-async-logic" % "<version>"

Basic Usage

Simple example:

import cps._
import cps.monads.logic.*

def primes: LogicStream[Int] = {
  eratosphen(2, TreeSet.empty[Int])

def eratosphen(c:Int, knownPrimes: TreeSet[Int]): LogicStream[Int] = reify[LogicStream]{
       knownPrimes.takeWhile(x => x*x <= c).forall(x => c % x != 0)
} |+| eratosphen(c+1, knownPrimes + c)

val first100 = primes.toLazyList.take(100).toSeq
dotty-cps-asyn-logic provides a monad typeclasses for logic programming:
And implementation

Logical operators

Basically LogicStream is a computation, which produces a lazy sequence of values. API follows the interface of haskell LogicT monad transformer, described in Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers.

The main operators are described below. Complete API documentation is avaialable here.


extension (x:M[A]) def seqOr(y:M[A]): M[A]

We can compose two such computations using |+| operator, with meaning of concatenation of argument streams. (appropriative alphanumeric method is ‘seqOr’ ).

def fib(n1:Int, n2:Int): LogicStream[Int] = reify[LogicStream]{
} |+| fib(n2, n1+n2)

val fibs = fib(1,1).toLazyList.take(10).toSeq
// fibs == Seq(1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55)

seqOr implements backtracking with search in depth. In the next expression

fib(1,1) |+| primes

We will get a sequence of fibonacci and primes will never be observer.


extension (x:M[A]) def interleave(y:M[A]): M[A]

or some cases it is more appropriate to use search in width. For this we can use interleave operator, often named as ‘fair or’. (appropriative symbolic name is ‘|’ ).

fib(1,1) | primes   //  synonim is  fib(1,1) interleave primes

will produce sequence of fibonacci and primes interleaved.


extension (x:M[A]) def once: M[A]

Once return a stream with only first value (or empty stream if original stream is empty). The usage of ònce` allows to reduce the search space. Appropriative functionality in Prolog is cut.

def firstPrime: LogicStream[Int] = primes.once

val first = firstPrime.toLazyList.headOption
// first == Some(2)


extension (cond:M[Boolean]) def ifThenElse[T](thenBranch: =>M[T], elseBranch: =>M[T]): M[T]

ifThenElse is like a conditional operator, but value are logical streams. It takes three arguments: condition, then branch and else branch. If cond is not empty, then thenBranch is flatMapped, otherwise elseBranch is streamed.

Inside of monadic brackets we can use guard, choices and fail operators.


inline def guard[M[_]](cond:Boolean)(using CpsLogicMonadContext[M]): Unit

guard takes a boolean condition and returns empty stream if condition is false, and stream with single value () if condition is true.

def evens(input: LogicStream[Int]): LogicStream[Int] = reify[LogicStream]{
   val n = reflect(input)

val evenNumbers = even(nat).toLazyList.take(10).toSeq
// evenNumbers == Seq(2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20)


inline def choices[M[_],A](xs:A*)(using CpsLogicMonadContext[M]): A

Explore all choices from an arguments.

def choiceTest: LogicStream[Int] = reify[LogicStream]{
   val x = choices(1,2,3)

val choiceTestResult = choiceTest.toLazyList.toSeq
// choiceTestResult == Seq(2,4,6)

Synchronous style

CpsSyncLogicMonad typeclass is a specialization of CpsLogicMonad for synchronous style of programming with the abiltiy to transform output result to LazyList.

Asynchronous style

CpsConcurrentLogicMonad defines a monad transformer over concurrent monad, which can stream result into asynchronous stream and define parOr operator.


extension (x:M[A]) def parOr(y:M[A]): M[A]

parOr is a parallel or operator, which can be used to compose two computations in parallel. The result stream will contain values from both streams, interleaved in some order.

LogicT References
